
How To Set Up Amazon Prime Music

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When you sign up for Amazon Prime, y'all automatically sign up for Amazon Prime music. This wikiHow will prove yous how to heed to Amazon Prime number music on a PC or Mac computer and a mobile telephone or tablet. This is different than Amazon Music Unlimited.

  1. 1

    Download Amazon Music from the Google Play Store or App Store .

    • Search "Amazon Music" in the search bar at the meridian of the screen (Google Play Shop) or tap the search icon at the bottom of your screen (App Store).
    • The app developer is "Amazon Mobile LLC."
  2. 2

    Open Amazon Music. This app icon looks like the word "music" with an arrow pointing from the "m" to the "c." You'll find this app on your Habitation screens, in the app drawer, or by searching.


  3. 3

    Log in. If y'all're already logged in, tap Keep to proceed. You tin can likewise tap Use a different account if y'all're signed into the wrong account.

  4. four

    Search for or browse for a vocal to heed to. You tin can scan the categories in the eye of your screen or you tin search for a song by tapping the search icon in the top right corner.

  5. 5

    Tap a song or category to starting time playback. If the song doesn't commencement playing as soon as yous tap an album, song, or genre, tap the play icon.

    • You lot can tap the 3 lines at the bottom of the album cover to meet the lyrics.


  1. 1

    Get the Amazon Music app from the Microsoft Store . Yous'll notice the app icon for the Microsoft Store in the taskbar or Start Carte.

    • You lot can search for "Amazon Music" in the search bar on the right side of the app window, or you tin can become to the browser's version of the Amazon Music app in the Microsoft Store.
    • Click Become. If yous have this already installed on your computer, y'all'll see Launch instead and tin can skip these steps to download and install the Amazon Music app.
    • Click Install if the app doesn't install automatically.
  2. 2

    Open Amazon Music. This app icon looks like the words "amazon music" on a imperial-pink background that yous tin notice in your Start Menu or on your taskbar.

  3. iii

    Log in. You'll demand to enter your Amazon account that'southward subscribed to Prime to heed to Amazon Music.

  4. 4

    Search for or scan for a song to mind to. You can browse the categories in the middle of the window or you can search for a song past clicking in the search bar in the acme right corner.

  5. 5

    Click the song or category to kickoff playback. Every bit soon as yous click an album, song, or genre, the music volition starting time playing.

    • Y'all can click the album thumbnail at the bottom of the window to see more data about the track currently playing, such as the lyrics.


  1. 1

    Download the Amazon Music Desktop Player for PC & Mac from Amazon. This will take you to an Amazon site where yous tin can download the Amazon Music Desktop Player for PC & Mac.

    • Click the bluish Get the app button in the center of the page. Your download should start immediately and download the correct version of the program, either for PC or Mac.
    • Click the downloaded file. You'll need to follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installer wizard (Windows) or click to elevate and drib an application file into your Application binder (Mac).
  2. ii

    Log in. Y'all'll need to enter your Amazon business relationship that's subscribed to Prime number to mind to Amazon Music.

  3. 3

    Search for or scan for a song to listen to. You tin can browse the categories in the middle of the window or yous can search for a song by clicking in the search bar in the top correct corner.

  4. 4

    Click the song or category to start playback. Equally presently as you lot click an anthology, song, or genre, the music will showtime playing.

    • You tin click the anthology thumbnail at the bottom of the window to see more information about the rail currently playing, such as the lyrics.


  1. 1

    Go to and log in. You lot'll need to use the Amazon account subscribed to Prime number and so you tin can admission Amazon Prime number music.

  2. 2

    Search for or browse for a vocal to heed to. You tin can browse the categories in the menu on the left side of the page or you tin search for a song by clicking in the search bar at the pinnacle of the page side by side to the Amazon Music logo.

  3. 3

    Click the vocal or category to commencement playback. Equally before long as you click an album, song, or genre, the music will start playing.

    • You can click the album thumbnail at the top of the page to see more than information well-nigh the rails currently playing, such as the lyrics.


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  • Amazon Prime number Music is not the same every bit Amazon Music Unlimited. You'll get admission to more songs and features with a subscription to Amazon Music Unlimited.[i]


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Article Summary 10

1. Download Amazon Music from the Google Play Store or App Store.
2. Open Amazon Music.
three. Search for or browse for a song to listen to.
4. Tap a song or category to start playback.

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