
This is something that happens in all operating systems, but perhaps we wish it were not so. It is likely that y'all take bought an Android device, you lot accept gone to download WhatsApp, to give an case of one of the most pop applications, and you have realized that you cannot unless you create or enter an account. Do you lot want download the apps without using a Google business relationship? Keep reading.

What is described in this fiddling tutorial is not going to explain anything dangerous. That is, we all know that in that location are third-party application stores that do non have every bit much security (if they have information technology) as the Google Play Store, the official Android application store. The proficient matter about this trick is that we will download the applications from the official store, which volition allow u.s. to install an APK that, in theory, has already been reviewed by Google itself and thus you can bask the apps of Google Play costless that we publish every day. Below you have explained the steps to follow.

Steps to follow to download apps from Google Play without an account

El example we will utilize for this tutorial it volition be the messaging awarding WhatsApp. I know there are ameliorate ones, but WhatsApp is one of the well-nigh pop complimentary applications on any platform, so it seems to me that information technology is not a bad pick.

  1. We open any web browser that allows usa to download files.
  2. We get to the Google Play Store and look for the application that we want to install. It is likely that from a smartphone or tablet what we are looking for does not appear, so a good idea would be to search for the application by searching Google. In the WhatsApp case, I accept searched for "whatsapp google play". download apk google play
  3. One time we access the application installation page, we look at the URL bar and re-create what is behind the equal symbol (=). In the case of WhatsApp, what we have to copy is «com.whatsapp & hl = is«.
  4. Now we go to the APK Downloader web page, available from THIS LINK. download-apk-without-google-account-1
  5. In the dialog box, we paste what we have copied in pace iii. download-apk-without-google-account-2
  6. Next, we touch «Generate download for free link«.
  7. The adjacent step is to click on the greenish push, where information technology says «click here to download for free CODE_DE_LA_APP now«, Where« CODE_DE_LA_APP »will be the ID of the application that nosotros want to install. The download will begin. download-apk-without-google-account-4
  8. Once the download is finished, we await for the downloaded file. Its location will depend on the browser that nosotros accept used to download the APK of the application. In the example of Firefox, the downloads are in the options button (iii dots) / Tools.
  9. We run the APK to begin the installation. download-apk-without-google-account-6
  10. Finally, we follow the process as when we install whatever other application.

Is this organization condom?

Totally safe. As nosotros have explained previously, the method to install applications from Google Play without an account carries the proper noun of the official Android application shop. The APKs downloaded using this arrangement are obtained straight from Google Play, so nosotros could say that installing them with this organisation is neither more nor less secure than doing information technology from the official application store.

Of course, in the steps included in this tutorial I have not mentioned something that may be of import: it is It is necessary that nosotros allow the installation of unknown sources to be able to install the downloaded APKs. If we always have it allowed, we will not see any warning, but if nosotros do not have it, it will tell usa that it cannot install the application for security reasons.

The reason we see this detect is elementary: although the APK comes from Google Play, the but affair our Android device knows is that it has been downloaded from the internet, so it will warn united states that it may take been modified to add malicious code. But I repeat over again, Applications downloaded with this method are exactly as condom as those downloaded from the official store of Android.

What practice we proceeds by using this method?

Well, everything will depend. More and more users are concerned virtually our privacy. I know people who don't like working for "GAFA" (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) and they prefer not to tell these companies what, how and when they use something. On the one paw, using this method makes it a bit more difficult for Google to know which applications we use on our iOS device. I know they are not in the majority, simply they tin can be understood.

On the other hand, this method is also indicated for people who do not utilize Google services. Why create an account if all these users want is to download applications? Perhaps downloading apps from Google Play without an account is non as simple as doing it from the official awarding store, merely I would non create it for myself merely for this reason.

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