
Wi-Fi 7 Could Bring Speeds Of Up to 40Gbps

Did you know that there are dissimilar versions of Wi-Fi? For those unfamiliar, yep, at that place are dissimilar versions of WiFi, so but considering a device has Wi-Fi support does not mean information technology is the same Wi-Fi you might find on another device. Newer versions, such as Wi-Fi 6, tend to offer faster speeds compared to older versions.

That being said, it seems that the next-generation of Wi-Fi could be something to look forward to, also known as Wi-Fi 7. This is according to a recent demonstration conducted by MediaTek in which they showed off the potential of the newer version which according to the Wi-Fi Alliance, could have the potential to reach speeds of up to 40Gbps!

For a bit of context, the current Wi-Fi 6 is able to go up to nine.6Gbps, which is admittedly enough fast, merely if the potential to hitting 40Gbps is truly there, it could open up upwardly a lot more doors. This is because 40Gbps is pretty much on par with wired connections such as Thunderbolt iii, so if Wi-Fi 7 could reach those speeds, nosotros could be looking at a lot more than wireless peripherals that could function just as well as their wired counterparts without whatever perceivable lag.

Co-ordinate to MediaTek, they say that they expect Wi-Fi 7 productions to arrive in 2023, although how widely adopted information technology will be remains to be seen. Keep in mind that connectivity speeds can be affected past other things, so if your cyberspace plan is capped at a 1Gbps connectedness, information technology won't magically bound to 40Gbps.

Filed in . Read more virtually MediaTek and Social Hit. Source: digitaltrends


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